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Thursday 12 July 2018

What is blog exactly and Why you should join blog ?

Your blog can be your online journal, for instance, where you will express your thoughts and feelings and share them with the world. It can be anything you want it to be, but the key to its success is providing real value to your readers using a friendly and conversational tone of voice while remaining consistent.

10 Reasons You Should Start a Blog

Blogging is fast becoming the quickest way to express yourself online. With it being both free and potentially valuable to start a blog, more people are joining the blogging community than ever; so why should you join too? What is so good about blogging that means everyone should have a go?

1. You’ll gain confidence.

Blogging is the shy person’s stage. You can be center of attention, meeting new people by gaining follows and likes, all within the safety of your own limits. Your blog is your own, whatever you want it to be, and it’s a great way of gaining confidence whether it’s in the field you’re writing in or personal expression.

2. It’s a form of diary.

Writing a diary is long outdated. However, blogging is essentially a collection of diary entries for the world to see. Your blog can be your own secret place on the Internet; anonymous or not, there’s a comfort in the thoughts and helpful advice of Internet friends. There are no expectations with blogging, despite the majority of followers being strangers,

3. Blogging is great writing experience.

Trying to get into freelance writing? Blogging is the best way to show your writing is current, and you’re writing regularly. As soon as you’ve created your first post, you’re officially published on the Internet, and can promote yourself to companies far more easily by linking your blog than showing outdated articles.

4. There is potential financial gain.

With blogging becoming more and more prolific, there is no doubt that its becoming a profession to be taken very seriously. Blogging is easily a full-time job, if a blog is expected to reach its full potential, and money can be made with hard work and perseverance. Advertising on your blog can help you financially, as can accepting sponsors if you’re reviewing products, but ultimately your blog can lead you to a career in blogging, which may seem far off for someone starting a blog, but it’s becoming far more acceptable in this day and age.

5. The blogging community is great.

All fellow bloggers want is for other bloggers to be part of the community, and be involved by following blogs and leaving comments. With websites like “Bloglovin” it’s easy to have a contained place on the Internet for your favorite blogs, while gaining inspiration for your own posts and articles.

6. It allows potential for self growth.

Broadcasting yourself online allows time for reflection, perspective. You will be able to look back on past work and ideas and learn from them, promoting not only a form of diary entry, but also the idea of self growth. By envisaging your ideas in a public form, it allows your creativity to grow, as well as your confidence and ambitions.

7. It allows development of technological skills.

It is very difficult not to learn basic technological skills while blogging. Whether it’s simply editing pictures and using templates, or changing the aesthetics of your blog by using basic coding, you’ll learn a lot of basic yet valuable information about the technological age in which we live. Social media, SEO writing, picture formatting—these are all basic skills you can pick up within the first couple of weeks of starting your blog.

8. It gives people a creative outlet.

Blogging allows a creative outlet for those who have become consumed by everyday life. By giving you the flexibility to blog when you wish, it can become a way to channel creativity without imposing on your day-to-day responsibilities. What better a way to be creative than in the comfort of your own home, when you have the time to enjoy it.

9. Blogging is the current way to market a business.

These days, companies are crazy not to have embraced the blogging world. It’s all very well having a professional website, but if you use a blog that is regularly updated to show current offers and promotions, clients will see you as more approachable, current, and most importantly more involved in your business.

10. And finally, it creates opportunities.

The final and perhaps most important reason to start a blog: it creates endless opportunities for its owner, whether it be in the form of friendship, financial gain or self-growth, blogging certainly puts your personality out there to the world and gets you noticed in a very unique way.

So what are you waiting for? Go out there and create your own little space on the Internet—you won’t regret it.

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